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This very important question was asked by several in the New Testament. In Acts 2, Peter after preaching a very stirring message was asked, “Brother, what shall we do?” In Acts 16, the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

Thank you for your keen interest in that same wonderful inquiry!

As mentioned, Peter was asked this same question as he addressed a great crowd. He responded by saying, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

If you feel God touching your heart and want to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, take some time and talk it over with Him. Explain to God that you realize you need His forgiveness and salvation. Tell Jesus that you are sorry for your sins and that you need Him to take control of your life as Lord. Find a local church that will baptize you by immersion into God’s family. The church you choose needs to encourage fellowship among believers, believe in the authority of the Bible, and promote the spreading of God’s message of love and forgiveness through Jesus to people everywhere. Continue to grow in your Christian walk by studying God’s Holy Word, the Bible. Pray for guidance every day and remember to seek forgiveness for daily sins. Stand firm in your faith and the Lord will richly bless you! Remember, God has drawn you into a loving relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. Seek ways daily to deepen and enhance the wonderful opportunity God gives us to walk with Him.

The Bible tells us that every time a person makes this great decision, Heaven throws a party! We at First Christian Church want to celebrate your new spiritual birth with you also. Please contact us at any of the channels of communication we have given on this site, and let us know what new thing God has begun in you! We are standing ready to congratulate you, pray for you and guide you in any way we can. We’re looking forward to welcoming you into God’s glorious family!
